Saturday, August 7, 2010

This week has seen some progress, the outside is now pretty much finished, the air conditioning is in and the electrical rough in complete. The electrical rough in did a minor hiccup but after reading on another blog how they had hassles with the electrical layout we requested a copy of the working diagram and just as well. A couple of small but significant change where not included in our house and after a phone call to the SS who told us that it was not uncommon for the electrical rough in to be wrong everything was sorted out but that afternoon. This week we also met with the landscaper and the final quote should be to us very shortly
This coming week we have been told that the insulation is to completed and the Gyprock should be almost completed.

1 comment:

  1. Outside look of home really look awesome. No doubt that there were so much progressed. That was good time for you.
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